I am simply impressed with people who have the natural ability to differentiate themselves from the crowd. It is an art, to believe in yourself and gain confidence. This is because, many a times, people will ridicule and make fun of you for doing something which 'they' think is weird! But one who does not pay attention to the surrounding people, is for sure the winner of the so called RAT RACE, in my opinion. Fact is, if you are going to implement something that many others are capable of, you will get momentary satisfaction and happiness. It is all short-lived. Someone will do the same thing and then you are amongst heap of groundnuts which just look the same and you will be thus hidden and not noticed. Well, but if you believe in what you think, and strive to put it through and help the society, it will be surely appreciated sooner or later!! One such example that, convinces me of all the above facts is Scott Jones, the guy who invented the 'Voicemail' at the age of 26 years. That is what I was wondering, you would have invented the voicemail. Is it someone from the Telecom provider industry? No we have got to thank Scott Jones for this. He is bright inventor and a serial Entrepreneur. He is the one who founded various companies which gave us everything from Voicemail to the iTunes feature of displaying track names when a CD is inserted in the computer. And many such things which makes him totally distinguishable than many of us!!! He is has started 8 companies till now, each in a varied fields and helping the mass public in simple ways. The most impressive thing, I felt was, "Scott Jones has a mind that never stops envisioning the next new technology to simplify our lives." His mind always is busy looking for innovative solutions for simplifying things and helping the common man in daily mundane jobs. To increase his creativity and brainstorming power, he has built a high tech residence with various facilities in his house. The more I describe here, less it is....So, just drop by his website at http://www.scottajones.com/index.php?q=index
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