Friday, April 11, 2008

Do we know what Innovation really is??

The phases of life are best described by the saying, Change is always hard to accept.....but the one who accepts it as a challenge is the one who is interested in life!!! The one who works for converting this change into an opportunity is the real Innovator according to me. Quotes like, "Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity - not a threat", "Just as energy is the basis of life itself, and ideas the source of innovation, so is innovation the vital spark of all human change, improvement and progress" describe the meaning of Innovation, but the best example I can give is here, something which many of you might have seen it, but believe me this is ultimate:


Deepa Vinodhan said...

Nice one.. Especially when they say "My Technology"

Raghu said...

good one shraddha

a Sane man said...


Thanks so much for bringing it to our notice!...keep doing the good work!

Shraddha said...

Thank you all for your comments!!